Friday, May 18, 2007

Enter DQ IX

Congrats to spotted_slime for correctly guessing the comic topic!

Click to see bigger size!


Anonymous said...

I approve of this comic. Well done.

Anonymous said...

What?! They're Remaking The FF Games?!! (as if I cared)

Another Great Work Of Art. Amusing!

Anonymous said...

Another awesomeness comic, and I knew Squenix was evil, its not just a game, its life! That Reno and Rude think they are so hot bringing their final fantasies here, while we fight about the few dq that they allow for us to have, well no more!

SQUENIX You give me my DW/Q games on actual consoles, or i might have to do drastic things to King Slime.

Anonymous said...

That was a great comic as usual Kainy. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

OMG Kainy, so freaking awesome xD And it makes sense too, I love the points you make in your comic ;_; They really are SK!

Anonymous said...

Brilliant stuff Kain! I personally would have preferred DQ9 on a NextGen console, but DS will do just fine, just lookin forward to its release and I need to buy a DS! :)

Cheers n Good job!
