Friday, June 8, 2007

Who done it? Epilogue

Well the arc is at a close with this comic. I am very surprised at the popularity of the "KS is the suspect" comic XD. I'll be taking a break from SK comics since I've been basically uploading a new one each day. I think I got most of June covered (based on my one comic page a week goal). I'll be looking for more ideas so watch out!


Anonymous said...

Hehe, shar putting makeup on KS is just priceless.

Anonymous said...

Tranny King Slime?!


Anonymous said...

T_T; KS never wears my make up...

Anonymous said...

burzum says...

make room for... Queen Slime?

Anonymous said...

hahahaha.....One question....Why was I holding a broom in the first frame? I always have my sword in hand...not a broom!

Anonymous said...

I think the broom is symbolic for cleaning the forums.

Or you're just KS's housemaid, rpg. ;p

Zeefer said...

what is this nonsense? all my favorite characters are acting like silly clowns

Anonymous said...

Ok, i know that i'm late but, I had to read those missing comics that i didn't have a chance to read, haha pretty boy giving makeup to ks was priceless and rpg well he better stays with the broom.

Anonymous said...

hahahah Shar putting makeup on KS was definitely the classic moment. XD

And very funny how RPG slips up and KS getting freaked out.