Friday, June 15, 2007

Crazy KS2

Here is my entry for "Crazy KS2" for SK! Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

And yet another great comic made by Kain, you sure are good at those. But since when is rpg courageous, hmm maybe because he's drunk. Don't engage an unknown enemy alone rpg get help first XD.

Anonymous said...

Burzum said...

0_o Fangslime? :P And epic battle shall soon commence.

Anonymous said...

I like the inadvertant homoerotic subtext.

Zeefer said...

There should be a homoerotic story arc featuring Gackt.

Anonymous said...

I Like The Evil King Slime =P

Anonymous said...

Lmao. Gamey is looking all masculine with his six pack!

Anonymous said...

Awesomeness Kainy! You never fail to present the characters with great personalities. I can't wait to see what's next.

Anonymous said...

Wow....Kain a six pack? Sweet.... Now i's smexy! :P