Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Who done it? Cloudsdream

Part 2 of the "Who done it?" arc. Today's suspect? Cloudsdream.

Be sure to comment! More comments = more comics!


Anonymous said...

You Captured Cloudy's Personality So Well! You Know, Her Megalomania Tendencies, Yet Sensible When It Comes To Accusations.

Anonymous said...

Burzum says....

Anyway to get to the top, then where next to conquer? :P Seems like everyone was biting at the chance to stab the lady in the back.

Anonymous said...

Hehe, I still believe she did it. She hired KS2 to do it! :P
Her will to rule over SK is far too big!

Anonymous said...

I love how you capture characters amazingly! =o Although to be honest her design looks to..not cloudy enough. Needs some sort of detail...

Anonymous said...

hehehe...clouds....always the hidden motives with her....

Anonymous said...

You captured her personality perfectly. Can't wait to see the others.

Anonymous said...

MEGALO-WHAT?!!! kAINY i AM NOT INSANE, i JUST HAVE SOME TAKE OVER THE WORLD ISSUES! When I was little Pinky and The Brain were my heroes. Thankies for the cuteness ^_^ and now that KS1 is gone im going all military on the slimes! Muhahaha!!!

Thankies ^_^