Monday, June 4, 2007

Who done it? RPGgamer79

Part of the murder mystery arc happening at SK.

Today's suspect? RPGgamer79.


Anonymous said...

Burzum says...

:P He's got the kind of power to get close to the Lady and then pull a fast one. Hmm, who's the next suspect? Awaiting more. ˆˆ

Anonymous said...

See! I would not kill someone unless it would be completely accidental!

Anonymous said...

See, Gamey is a tricky one, can't trust him!

Anonymous said...

rpggamer being such a drunk mod, no wonder he killed Lady Slimenia and doesn't remember it. sheesh

Anonymous said...

HAHA that was priceless to see rpg crying, nice comic there Kain, and shame on you rpg for killing someone.

Anonymous said...

"You Killed Someone!" Ha! That Was Incredibly Hilarious! Now, Who WAS That Someone?

Anonymous said...

Oups! RPG accidentally killed someone....I hope he has accidental insurance. >.>